Remote volunteering promotional image – Zoom meeting AVI staff members: Samy (standing), Karla (on screen).
March 20, 2023
Virtual Volunteering
Virtual volunteering became the new normal during COVID.
Remote volunteering promotional image (AVI staff member on the laptop screen: Ben).
Like every organisation, AVI’s in-person, high-touch and highly mobile operating model was put to the test during COVID. Our challenge was that the communities we support, both within Australia and our pacific neighbours, needed the volunteering support more than ever. COVID simply made these communities more vulnerable and its people more at risk than ever before.
The Solomon Islands are just one example where COVID and civil unrest compounded the challenges to their health network, in particular AVI’s community partner the National Referral Hospital. However, none of this prevented the 12 Bridging Program trainees, supported remotely by Australian volunteers, from successfully completing their exit exams or final year interns from graduating.
Through AVI, Australasian College for Emergency Medicine Fellows based in Australia continued to provide remote support – teaching, mentoring and supporting research projects – for registrars undertaking the Post-Graduate Diploma in Emergency Medicine through Fiji National University and the University of Papua New Guinea as well as teaching junior registrars entering the emergency department.
Remote volunteering has become a serious volunteering opportunity for skilled Australians unable to travel for extended periods of time, and something AVI continues to develop.
Contact us today to see how you or your organisation can participate in community capacity building opportunities.
Remote volunteering promotional image (AVI staff member on the laptop screen: Ben).