Dr Leanne Panisi and Australian health volunteer Dr Rangi De Silva. Credit: Harjono Djoyobisono
April 4, 2024
10 years of SIMPLER (2015-2024)
The Australian Government’s agreement with AVI to support the Solomon Islands Medical Partnership for Learning Education and Research (SIMPLER) concluded on 31 March 2024. The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) and the National Referral Hospital (NRH) will assume ownership of the SIMPLER projects from here on.
AVI is incredibly proud of the achievements of the program over the past 10 years. Since 2015, AVI has worked in partnership with the Australian government, National Referral Hospital and the Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services to place Australian volunteer health professionals in the National Referral Hospital to support local health professionals.
Some of the outcomes achieved through SIMPLER include:
- 191 new Solomon Islander medical graduates receiving supervision and support through the intern training program
- 42 Australian volunteer health professionals placed at the National Referral Hospital
- A range of critical projects led by Australian volunteers including diabetic footcare, postgraduate medical education, nursing education, enhanced laboratory services, clinical guidelines and digital learning materials.
Through SIMPLER, the National Referral Hospital now has a robust internship program for foreign-trained medical graduates that enhances wider access to universal health care for all Solomon Islanders.
AVI would like to express our gratitude to the Australian Government for its generous support and belief in SIMPLER over the past 10 years.
We would also like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the staff and leadership team at the National Referral Hospital for their unwavering dedication, expertise and generosity in making SIMPLER a resounding success.
nd finally, we would like to acknowledge all the Australian and Solomon Islander health professionals who have played a part in the evolution of SIMPLER over the years – your work will continue to make a difference for decades to come.