Australian Volunteers International

Pilot pre-departure briefing 2023

May 17, 2023

Introducing the Pacific Pro Bono program

AVI has partnered with some of Australia’s leading law firms to form the Pacific Islands Pro Bono Collaborative to provide pro bono legal support for local partners working at the forefront of the climate crisis.

The Collaborative has recently launched a pilot project in partnership with The Pacific Community (SPC) and Fiji Law Society to deploy nine Australian volunteer lawyers to Fiji to deliver over 600 hours of pro bono legal support for critical energy transition projects.

The volunteers will work with SPC’s Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division to support the delivery of SPC’s energy transition programs such as the adoption of waste to energy solutions; charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, reviewing energy policy and legislative frameworks across the Pacific region; and enhancing women’s participation in the clean energy market.

The Fiji Law Society has also engaged eight Fijian lawyers to work in partnership with the Australian lawyers through a peer-mentor model.

The volunteers will complete an initial two week in-country placement and will complete the remainder of their assignment from their law firms in Australia.

